Flybuy Customer Flows
Flybuy App:
- The Flybuy App is available for download in the App Store and the Google Play Store
- The Pros of the Flybuy App:
- More consistent location updates, even if the customer has the Flybuy app in the background of their device, we can still receive location updates from them
- Push Notifications: These are only available when using the app, so a customer going through the app flow has the ability to receive push and SMS notifications
Flybuy Web Flow:
- The Flybuy Web Flow can be used by any browser on a smart phone mobile device
- The Pros of the Flybuy Web Flow:
- Customer doesn't have to download an app
- The Cons of the Flybuy Web Flow:
- Inconsistent location updates, if the Flybuy browser isn't in the foreground of the phone, we won't receive location updates
- Notifications: Using the Web Flow customers can only receive SMS notifications
- Order Created
- Order Reminder
- Order Ready
- Order Delayed
- Customer Arrived
- Customer Waiting
Flybuy SMS Response:
- Customers also have the ability to respond via SMS, whether it is prompted in the notifications or not
- Reasons Partners implement this as an option:
- Drive up engagement: If their engagement is low or has been stagnant this is a great way to increase it a few percentage points
- Provide customers with an additional option on how to engage with Flybuy: When a customer responds OMW, we count this as a redemption
Flybuy SDK Integration:
The Flybuy App, Web flow and SMS reply are all great ways for customers to engage with Flybuy, but they are not as seamless as the partner's branded app with our SDK integration. This bakes our SDK (software development kit) into the partner's branded App. This provides the most seamless experience because the customer doesn't have to use our app, web flow (most partners still keep a variation of a web flow option) or SMS reply. In order to start this process loop in the SE and review the SDK UI guide.